Friday 10 February 2017

Top 5 Home Remedies For Getting Rid Of Pimples

Pimples are one of the most annoying things and pop up at the most unpropitious time for example you have a plan to go out with friends or to some party and just one day before, out of nowhere, ITS THERE!! And the worst part you cannot control your sebaceous glands (oil glands) from being

Thursday 9 February 2017

Stay away from diabetes with little fresh milk

  The health wonders of fresh milk and milk products have been known to us since many decades. Moreover, it leaves little doubt in our minds, as new research studies are regularly being conducted, many of which have found evidence of the health benefits of milk. One such research study has

Wednesday 8 February 2017

Rate of cellular decay which slows down HL12

Rate of cellular decay which slows down HL12 Supplement  HL12 rate of aging To also slow aging HL12 affects of laughter include better mental function improving mental alertness memory and interpersonal responsiveness Laughter reduces cortisol which is a hormone that causes stress On